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Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Origin Story is a documentary by comedian and podcast host Kulap Vilaysack of Earwolf's "Who Charted?" It's an international road trip from Los Angeles to Minnesota to Laos, where Kulap's story began. It's a deeply personal but universal story about family secrets, alienation and personal responsibility.


Hall of Fame

Donor Hall of Fame

Many are responsible for helping fund Origin Story in the post-production phase.

The following donors contributed $75 or more during our Indiegogo campaign. Thank you all!

Michael Ableson

Leopold Allen

Camilo Alvarez

Eva Anderson

Melissa Andrade

Crystal Angel

Glynis Arnold

Peter Atencio

Jessica Bailey

Lance Bangs

Rob Bodary

Sam Bonderoff

Matthew Booth

Prasith Bounsouaysana

Christian Bozinta

Todd Brecher

Ali Brown

Jonathan Daniel Brown

Lindsey Brown

Onesimo Bustamante

Bryan from Sacramento

Alexander J. Caceres

Patrick Calderhead

Melissa Campbell

Ramsin Canon

Daniel Caplan

Jesse Card

Marie Carpenter

Joan Chan

Tim Chang

Alex Charner

Feodor Chin

Jessica Christie

Jennie Church Cooper

Alanna Clair

Emily Clark

Christopher Coenjarts

Sean Corp

Mike Costanza

Andrew Covington

Dave Cox

Mark Crilley

Jacob Cunningham

Dan Dahlin

Andrew Daly

Heidi Danielson

Julie Danielson

Ron Danielson

Scott De La Cruz

Deborah Delevan

Jamie Denbo

Randall Denton

Sarah Deutchman

Suzanne Dillingham

Katherine Dippold

Brandon Doan

Dan Douglass

Elizabeth Dover

Brian Down

William Duckfield

Molly Due

Colton Dunn

Paul Egolf

Jessica Elbaum

Andrew Esposo

Meredith Estel

Michael Farah

Michael Fearnow

Scott A. Ferguson

Carlos Fernandez

Tristan Fidler

Sarah Finlay

Ron Funches

Paul Gallo

Sara Garnett

Meghan Geiger




Alek Gent-Vincent

Martin Gero

John Glavin

Jonathan Gould

Caleb Graham

Michael Grassi

Hank Green

George Grimwood

Blair Gruman

Christina Gruppuso

Damian T. Gullo

Curtis Gwinn

Rachel Hadaway

Adam Khrystofer Hamilton

Shannon Hayes

Lisa Healow

Nick Hoehner

Eric Horan

Diana Howland

Steve Jablonsky

Bryan James

Jessica Jardine

Zoe Jarman

Peter Jarrett

Richmond D. Jeffrey

Jeron Jimenez

Joshua Johnson

Tim Kalpakis

Marcelle Karp

Walter Keegan

Daniel Kellison

Andrew Kendall

Matt Kerbel

Danny Khotsombath

David Kneebone

Malichansouk Kouanchao

Regina Duchin Kraus

Doug Kreeger

Nora Krinitsky

Steve Kriske

Ross Kuchin

Elizabeth Kupferman

Elizabeth Laime

Scott Larson

Daniel Lee

David Leibow

John Lewin

Katya Lidsky

Aaron Lopata

Ashley Lough

Brenda Lundberg

Donald Lynskey

George Mathewson

Amy McAllister

Kate McClure

Damon A. McDonald

Gregory McDowell

Laura McLean

Susan Messing

Jessica Mijnssen

Ryan Miller

James Milles

Tony Moore

Opus Moreschi

Terry Morin

Brett Morris

John Morrison

Brett Mounce

Tiyana Nakasone

Max Naslund

Andy Navetta

Nicole Neitzey

Sarah Newhouse

Jane Nolan

Eugene Paik

Sarah Pappas





Jimmy Pardo

Daniel Patterson

Artemis Pebdani

Sebastian Petty

Matthew Phillips

Darren Poppleton

Dan Pritchard

Anthony Prosser

Thomas Quinn

Kari Race

Melanie Raubeson

William Resnik

Michael Rhodes

Scott Rigdon

Matt Roan

Heidi Rose Robbins

Joel Rodriguez

Thomas Roe

Bryan Rosberg

Jessica Rose

Steve Roszak

Dan Rubalcaba

Deanna Russo

Brian Sacca

Guy Sakamoto

Daryl Sakimae

Sean Sakimae

Josh and Sarah Salzberg

Michael Sanderson

Mark Sarian

Shane Sato

Lauren Savit

Paul Scheer

Kim Schifino

Jon Schroeder

Joe Shannon

Christopher Sheehan

Cody and Jessica Sheik

Matthew Sherman

Ryan Shore

Cora Smit

Christin L Smith

Daniel Smith

Julieanne Smolinski

Betsy Sodaro

Outhayvanh Somchaleun

Bana Soumetho

Joyce Spaulding

Clarke Speicher

Peter Spoerri

Ramesh Subramaniam

Kyle Suddreth

Patrick Sullivan

Cynthia Sweeney

Kevin Swiney

Rachel Taenzler

Christopher Taylor

Katie Taylor

Matt Tidwell

Sarah Tollison

Emily Tycast

Jennifer Dawn UtterBahn

Abraham vanderBent

Matt Visker

Serena Wang

Rose Watanabe

Derek Waters

Michael Wells

Dominic Wheeler

Lauren Willis

Paul Wilson

Harris Wittels

Jake Wolfson

Lauren Zakreski

Joseph Zappa

Michelle Zinkevicz