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Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Origin Story is a documentary by comedian and podcast host Kulap Vilaysack of Earwolf's "Who Charted?" It's an international road trip from Los Angeles to Minnesota to Laos, where Kulap's story began. It's a deeply personal but universal story about family secrets, alienation and personal responsibility.




The Ronna & Beverly Experience

Origin Story

Happy Monday! Thank you for a great first week of Origin Story on Indiegogo. We've got our eyes on the prize and are thrilled to announce a brand new perk for those of you still anticipating your donation day. 

Ever wanted to be interrogated by a pair of nosy old ladies? Ronna & Beverly of the Earwolf podcast network will welcome you as a guest on their show in exchange for a $750 gift to our film. They'll also record your outgoing voicemail message and send greeting cards right to your front door. Of course, our website and Who Charted? shout-outs are included, along with a digital download of Origin Story and your name in the credits. 

If your tukhus aches for the Ron & Bev hot seat, and you can get yourself out to Los Angeles for the recording, snatch this one up before it's too late or risk a lifetime of debilitating guilt. 

**UPDATE: This perk is now CLAIMED, thanks to Sean Sakimae! But many other wonderful perks are available here, so you're still in the game.